Showing posts with label Modularization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Modularization. Show all posts

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Dividing and Conquering Microservices using Concern Based Modularization - Series Part 4

Modularization is another indispensable prerequisite, to begin with when designing microservices. Without modules defined, I have seen teams building services in a wild goose chase fulfilling the anti-patterns of complex data interoperability across distributed systems, tightly coupling of services by maximizing dependencies, minimal composability and abstraction and the list goes on….
Uncle Bob once famously said
“Gather together the things that change for the same reasons. Separate those things that change for different reasons”.
It’s essentially an abstraction of concerns of business capabilities by understanding and defining the exact core services or modules of an application landscape. InIt’she same basic concept followed by designing any monolithic application.
Where teams fail to understand is that with an improper composition of core components or modules, all you are doing is shifting complexities to more gray areas. This is a whole reason why in the first place the monolithic application was designed to be a haphazardly structured application or otherwise famously defined as “Big Ball of Mud”.
“Deciphering the concern based modularization of an enterprise is an essential requisite to amalgamate the intricacies of the microservices system.”

In one of the microservices journeys, I was part of a team that wanted to jump-start creating services and in parallel define their core modules. In doing so they came across a situation where they had the same core source information in multiple systems and this resulted in a pretty complex data interoperability across multiple services. Fixing things at this point is tedious impacting several applications.
Also, another issue seen is the over creating of core services which is a mess. It will lead to several unnecessary layers. It just adds complications to the application landscape where every service is depending on the other without any realm of responsibility.
Get the core and sub-core concern components that are baselined at the earliest.
Domain-driven design (DDD) needs to be adopted to help choose domain boundaries or business context.
Applications need to be divided and conquered to identify the organic sized chunks of these components.
Core services by definition are services that mainly focus on persistence and are pure data-centric. Each isolated core services will be the future master of information and the discrete source of truth.
Once the core services are nailed down, detailing out the Peripheral and Composite services becomes much easier.

Building Microservices by decreasing Entropy and increasing Negentropy - Series Part 5

Microservice’s journey is all about gradually overhaul, every time you make a change you need to keep the system in a better state or the ...